How to pay for Folcon
You can buy a Full Pass or Party Pass ticket. Or you can pay for workshops separately and then you can buy a Party Pass for the evening parties.

Full Pass
Includes all workshops, evening program and accompanying program.
Only 1500 CZK / 60 EUR until 30th June
1800 CZK / 73 EUR

Party pass
Includes an accompanying program and an evening parties.
500 CZK / 20 EUR
Full Pass and Party Pass are paid in advance via bank transfer (also PayPal), workshops will be paid on the spot in cash
You will receive payment instructions by email after ordering the Full/Party Pass
When you order Full Pass, you have to register (reserve your spot) for the workshops you want to attend (see info in Programme)
You can also pre-order accommodation in the Full/Party Pass order form
Workshop prices
200 CZK / 9 EUR
Workshop Focus
350 CZK / 15 EUR
Workshop for children
Aimed at children age 6 to 12.
150 CZK / 6 EUR
It’s not that complicated. Here are some examples:
I want as much as possible! I go to bed when the last tones of the session die down and get up at half past seven to warm up. I can handle at least four workshops a day, even if there are only three slots in the schedule — because I have a time turner.
You are our kind of person! Register for a Full pass, and the only thing you’ll need to worry about is that it suits you and that you know where your dancing shoes are. Sign up for the workshops in advance, so you’ll have your schedule before you arrive.
I want to go to a session and to dance parties. I choose one workshop each day, I want to sleep, and after fifteen years of dancing, my knees can’t handle everything.
We understand you. Register for a Party pass, choose the workshops that interest you most, sign up via the form, and pay for them on the spot.
Evening parties are not for me. I have to put the children to sleep. But my grandmother looks after them during the day, so I want to go to one workshop on Friday, two on Saturday, and also to a lecture on Sunday morning.
Do the math, and maybe it will work out best to pay for the workshops on-site without buying a Full pass. If you don’t want to count, buy a discounted early bird Full pass before the end of June. But remember to register for the workshops in advance, or you might miss out.